Keep It Real Can
Simply Spiked

Challenge Following a successful U.S. launch, we brought Simply Spiked to a Canadian audience where the dominant legacy players have a stronghold on the cooler category. We needed to get the word out that this cooler is made with real fruit juice – unlike legacy players which are full of sugar and have a gross reputation. In order to do that, we needed to raise awareness about Simply Spiked’s arrival and show Canadians we were the real deal.

INSIGHTS It turns out Canadians know a thing or two about artificial: while we applaud ourselves for our politeness, 55% of Canadians agree with lying to keep things polite.

IDEA In order to break through, Simply Spiked showed that we’re here to keep it real by becoming a tool for truth. We created a version of our Simply Spiked can crafted to ensure anyone who held it was keeping it real with us: the first-ever lie detector in a can, which we dubbed the Simply Spiked Keep it Real Can (KIR). Using galvanic skin response technology and heart rate monitors, we ensured people were being totally honest in their realtime product reviews and anything else that came up while holding it.

RESULTS Simply Spiked Lemonade, exceeded sales goals by 40% in launch month of our Keep It Real can, making it the fastest product launch growth in Molson history and Canada’s fastest growing cooler of 2023.
impressions across broadcast, lifestyle, tech, food and beverage outlets
media placements - with hosts and producers using the can live on-air
consumer awareness after launch campaign > legacy brand Mike’s Hard at 74%
consideration amongst aware consumers in year one
Cooler Ranking Nationally in 2nd Month of Full National Launch